2019 Trailblazer Award Winners
We were excited to see the winners of the Love Remembers Trailblazer Award for 2019! Announced Monday, the Advocate winner is Stephanie Lowe of Turn it Teal. The Legacy winner is Thomas Silvera of Elijah’s Echo.
What the Trailblazer Award is About
the Trailblazer Advocate Award last year. It felt amazing to have someone recognize my efforts. Dean and I excitedly nominated several pillars of the food allergy community for 2019 to spread the love. We love all of the support this community gives us, and we love supporting them in return!
The Trailblazer Awards honor advocates working to make an impact in the world of food allergies. And in the case of the Legacy Award, it honors those who have turned their personal tragedy into a triumph. They advocate to save others from losing a loved one like they did.
We give a hearty Congratulations to Stephanie and Thomas (along with his family)! Both of your voices are a beacon to those walking this food allergy life with us. We are all stronger together!
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