Cookbook Review – Everyone’s Welcome
A few years ago I had the privilege of reviewing Amanda Orlando’s first cookbook Allergen-Free Desserts to Delight your Tastebuds. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review her latest cookbook, Everyone’s Welcome. I love supporting other people with food allergies in their business endeavors.
Amanda’s latest cookbook is every bit as beautiful as her first one. The full-page photographs make you salivate before you even start cooking.
Amanda’s previous cookbook focused exclusively on desserts, but Everyone’s Welcome includes dishes for every course. It has everything from fancy dinners to simple fare, so everyone will find a recipe within its pages that will work for them.
You’ll find a wealth of information in Everyone’s Welcome
Before you even get to the recipes, Amanda provides a wealth of information in her introduction. It weaves her personal story into a guide book for those newly diagnosed with food allergies. She covers communication and self-advocacy along with tips for dining out, traveling the world, and even coping with anxiety. The introduction alone would make this a worthwhile gift for someone who has just been diagnosed with a food allergy.
Amanda even provides instructions for cooking staples such as oatmeal, broths, and smoothies. People who never really cooked before a food allergy diagnosis have their lives affected the most, and Amanda’s book can help. From these simple recipes, she goes all the way to more complicated dishes that need to cook all day, plus plenty in between. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, which is imperative in a cookbook.
Amanda also provides a helpful key with each recipe, indicating which of the major allergens it’s free from. Additionally, there’s a table at the back of the book, listing all the recipes in order with a handy chart to see at-a-glance which allergens the dish contains.
Of course, in order to review a cookbook like Everyone’s Welcome, I have to make a few recipes. Here’s what I tried:
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